Our Charity Work
The values of Freemasonry are based on integrity, friendship, respect and charity. Freemasons are taught to practice charity and to care, not only for their own, but also for the community as a whole – both by charitable giving, and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals.
From its earliest days, Freemasonry has been concerned with the care of orphans, the sick and the aged. This work continues today. In addition, large sums are given to international, national and local charities.
Masonic charity is exercised at every level: individual Lodges make gifts and give aid to their own communities and every Province also gives large sums of money to regional causes. Nationally, our efforts are channeled through four main charity organisations.
National Charties:
Click on each logo to see where all the hard work is going…
Local Charity Work:
Royal National Lifeboat Institution
Presentation of a cheque for £4000 from the Grand Charity to the RNLI by The Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro.Captain Eidwin F.Mullan, accompanied by the Deputy Grand Superintendent C.R.Dobbie and several other Brethren, took place between the Douglas and Ramsey lifeboats in Laxey Bay on 7th November 2010.

Isle of Man Lodge of Installed Masters No.9598
W. Bro John Williams PPrGReg (Warks), the Development Director of the Masonic Samaritan Fund, flew over from the adjacent Isle on Saturday 28th January and was met, and given a tour of the Island, by, W Bro Alec Downie OBE, MLC, PAGDC, P.G.Alm who had arranged for him to visit the Isle of Man.
That evening, W.Bro John Williams attended the meeting of the IOM Lodge of Installed Masters No. 9598 and gave a presentation entitled, “The Masonic Charities – What We Deliver”. This was a comprehensive illustrated slideshow presentation summarising the work of the four central Masonic charities. It was received with great interest by the audience of 60 Brethren and following the presentation, a number of questions were comprehensively answered.
The RWPGM Bro Keith Dalrymple spoke about the purpose and function of Installed Masters’ Lodges, drawing a corollary with the excellent presentation by W.Bro. John Williams and the manner in which the ‘front-line’ Masonic Charities are cooperating to make best use of all resources. Similarly the membership of the I.O.M. Lodge of Installed Masters, drawn from all Lodges within our Province was facilitating a spirit of constructive collaboration and making a contribution to our Lodges whilst enabling those who have spare time and capacity for additional Masonic activity to enjoy the opportunity to do so. At the conclusion of his talk two cheques were presented in open Lodge to W Bro John Williams, in his capacity as Development Director of the Masonic Samaritan Fund. The first cheque in the amount of £1,000 was presented by the RWPGM, from Provincial funds held for such purposes and the second cheque, also in the amount of £1,000, was presented by the VWDepPGM Bro Eidwin Mullan, on behalf of the 125th Anniversary committee, from funds raised during the year so far.
During the course of the meeting W.Bros Eddie Quayle and Terry Skeet were welcomed and became joining members of the Lodge and W.Bro Freddie Wright PAGDC, was elected as an honorary member of the Isle of Man Lodge of Installed Masters in recognition of the wonderful work he undertakes on behalf of Brethren and their families who have to be hospitalised in Liverpool and environs …
At the Festive board, the Worshipful Master of 9598, W Bro Geoffrey Clague presented a cheque to W Bro John Williams on behalf of the Lodge of Installed Masters in the amount of £500, being the proceeds of the alms collection and of the raffle.
It was agreed between the PGM, DepPGM, the WM of 9598 and W Bro John Williams, that the 3 cheques would be donated to the Masonic Samaritan Fund and credited, in the name of the Province and the Lodge respectively, to the 2012 Warwickshire Provincial Festival. W Bro Williams was overwhelmed by both the donations, which he said were “completely unexpected”, and also by the warm hospitality he received in the Temple and at the festive board.
Rob Vine Helicopter Fund
In the last four years £951,000 has been distributed between every Air Ambulance service in England and Wales and this year the Isle of Man has nominated the Rob Vine Fund for its support of the “Airmed” helicopter ambulance service. The Freemasons’ Grand Charity supports air ambulance charities in the delivery of their potentially life-saving services. To date, £951,000 has been donated to what is considered the busiest voluntary emergency service in the country. The air ambulance charities in England and Wales fly about 19,000 missions per year at a cost of about £0.5 million per week, met almost entirely by donations from the public. The speed with which the ambulances are able to respond to emergencies and transport patients to hospital greatly improves the survival chances of individuals involved in serious road traffic collisions, medical emergencies and other incidents, 365 days of the year. In 2011, Provincial and Metropolitan Grand Lodges across England and Wales were invited to nominate an air ambulance charity to receive a share of a total grant of £192,000, the Isle of Man nominated the Rob Vine Fund in recognition of the service that it provides to motorsport on the island by providing the medical equipment in use by the “Airmed” ambulance helicopters and in equipping the various medical personnel stationed around the T.T. Mountain Course. Provincial Grand Master for the Isle of Man, Keith Dalrymple said “volunteers are the lifeblood of the T.T. and Manx Grand Prix Races and it is particularly fitting that in the 125th Anniversary Year of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Isle of Man we were successful in our application to the Freemasons’ Grand Charity to support the Manx charity the Rob Vine Fund, which through Motorsport Medical Services provides the life-saving equipment that is used in the “Airmed” helicopters and indeed at various marshalling points around the T.T. Course. Many Isle of Man Freemasons play a part as marshals and officials, as well as enjoying the spectacle of the greatest motorcycle road races in the world.”

Hospice Isle of Man
On the 17th January 2011 the Freemasons’ Grand Charity donated £3,400 to Hospice Isle of Man for the year 2010. This presentation was made by the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. R.K.Dalrymple who was accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro.Captain E.F.Mullan and the Provincial Grand Secretary W.Bro. Martin Blackburn.
The 125 Swim
The 125 Swim held on Saturday 26th February, turned out to be a financial success, having netted £1300.00 toward the 125 Celebration Fund. The Deputy Grand Superintendent E.Comp. C.R. Dobbie, pictured here with the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. R.K.Dalrymple, would like to heartily thank all who supported the swimmers either morally or financially. In addition to the D.G.Supt. the swimmers were made up of brethren from the Lezayre lodge and several sister lodges. They would have enjoyed more spectators but for two other events on the same day, namely the sad occasion of Fiona Robinson’s funeral in the morning and St. Maughold Lodge Ladies’ Evening the turn out was much as expected. Perhaps someone can think of other events where we can gather informally with family and friends. Once again, a big thank you to all for making the swim a great success.

TLC Appeal – Teddies for Loving Care
Isle of Man Freemasonry is donating Teddy Bears to local hospitals and Rebecca House to assist medical staff when treating children, especially in Accident and Emergency Units. Teddies will be given to children to alleviate distress and provide comfort and reassurance, or may be used by staff to demonstrate what they are about to do. The teddy bear is that child’s to keep and have been welcomed by hospitals as a useful aid. This practical contribution continues a long association of Freemasons’ with our Island’s hospitals. Henry Bloom Noble, Freemason and Benefactor whose public spirited philanthropy is commemorated at the ‘New Noble’s Hospital’ and elsewhere, via his trustees, provided the initial funding for the construction of Ramsey Cottage Hospital, the foundation stone for which was laid with Masonic ceremonial by the Provincial Grand Master at that time, Hon. Arthur Stanley M.P. He was attended by numerous Brethren who marched in full regalia from the Masonic Buildings in Ramsey. The current Provincial Grand Master, Keith Dalrymple, is delighted with this visible evidence that Manx Freemasonry remains ‘in and of our Community!’
Photo, left to right: Hospital Manager – Janet Grib, Colleague – Irene Woodall, Dave O’Sullivan and Shavak Madon – Charity Stewards of the Lezayre and St. Maughold Lodges respectively, Kevin Adams – Provincial Grand Charity Steward and organiser and the Provincial Grand Master, Keith Dalrymple.
For more information go to www.tlcappeal.org