St Maughold Lodge No. 1075

William (Bill) Karran
9 Seamount Road, Ramsey, Isle of Man. IM82HT
“Lhig da dy chooilley ghooinney kiarail y ghoaill kys t’eh troggal”
“Let every man take care how he builds”
Eight meetings are held in each year at Freemasons’ Hall, Lezayre Road, Ramsey, on the third Tuesday in the months of October, December, February, March, April and May. The fourth Monday in November and the third Thursday in January.
Installation April
A Brief History of St Maughold Lodge No 1075
On October 11th 1865, Bros. Henderson, Hunter, Laughlin and Rothwell attended the Athole Lodge, No. 1004, as a deputation from a group of Freemasons in Ramsey, to present a petition through the Athole Lodge to the United Grand Lodge of England, for permission to form a Masonic Lodge in Ramsey.
The petition was approved, and signed by the W Master P. Masters, Officers and Brethren of the Athole Lodge and forwarded to Grand Lodge in London.
The Lodge was duly founded and given the name of St Maughold Lodge, No.1075.
The founders were:
Hugh Rothwell
John Aspinal
William Wilders
Horatio P. Webb
James McWhannell
Robert B. Henderson
The first meeting on January 4th, 1866, was held in the Mitre Hotel, Ramsey, on the night of the full moon. The date of meeting was subsequently altered to the third Tuesday in each calendar month.
The Lodge was opened in the second and third degree by P.M.J. Crennell, and the ceremony of Installation then took place.
The following officers were appointed and invested:
W.Master Bro. Rothwell
Senior Warden Bro. J. Wilder
Junior Warden Bro. J. Aspinal
Secretary Bro. Laughlin
I.G Bro. R. B. Henderson
At this meeting seven brethren were proposed and seconded as joining members of the Lodge, the ballot being taken at the next regular meeting.
In June, 1866, the Lodge met in the Ramsey Grammar School in Waterloo Road, until, June, 1870, when the meetings were transferred to Neptune Street, Ramsey.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of the Isle of Man was inaugurated on Wednesday 29th September 1886, in the Masonic Lodge Rooms, Loch Promenade, Douglas. It was reported in the newspaper that the visiting Grand Officers together with the Provincial Grand Master travelled by train to Ramsey on Thursday, 30th September 1886 and were met by the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of St Maughold Lodge, entertained to lunch in the Mitre Hotel and were taken on a most enjoyable ride via Lewaigue to visit the ancient Church of Maughold, were they expressed the greatest interest in the Church, Crosses and other objects of interest.
On September 14th, 1889 the Lodge moved to its next premises in Water Street. Ramsey and on the 21st April, 1891, a special meeting of Prov. Grand Lodge was held in. the Masonic Hall, Water Street, for the purpose of Consecrating and Dedicating the Lodge Rooms to Freemasonry.
W.Bro. T. H. Nesbitt, Dep. Prov. Grand Master, performed the ceremony of Consecration, assisted by several members of Prov. Grand Lodge, including the Proy. Grand Chaplain, W.Bro. Rev.E. Ferrier.
The membership subscription was £l/l/0 a year, 10/6 payable at the first meeting in January, and 10/6 at the first meeting in July. On the 30th June, 1873, the subscription was raised to £2/0/0 a year, but on June 30th, 1874, was reduced to the original sum of £l/1/0.
A Committee was appointed to draw up the By-laws of the Lodge, and each member and subsequent member was requested to sign them.
On June 10th, 1902, the Lodge was honoured by Provincial Grand Lodge holding its annual meeting in the Masonic Hall, Ramsey.
Lord Henniker, Lieut. Governor of the Island, and who was also Provincial Grand Master of the Province, presided over the proceedings and at this meeting. W.Bro. J. A. Brown, then Editor of the “Isle of Man Times” was appointed Dep. Prov. Grand Master, W.Bro. R. D. Kermode, then Vicar of Lezayre, Prov. Grand Chaplain, and W.Bro. The Deemster F. M. LaMothe Prov. Grand Std. Br.
The banquet was held at the Queen’s Hotel, Ramsey. at 6-30pm.. the price of the dinner ticket was 3/6. Arrangements were made for a special late tram from Ramsey to Douglas for the accommodation of the visiting brethren.
In the early days of the Lodge it was not unusual to initiate, pass or raise more than one candidate, and it is interesting to note in the record book, that on one occasion five men were initiated in one evening. In 1914 four initiates were passed at the February meeting and at the March regular meeting four were raised to the third degree.
Two past Masters of the Lodge have occupied the high office of Prov. Grand Master
W.Bro. His Honour the Deemster F. M. LaMothe, 1920 to 1931.
W.Bro. His Honour the Deemster Sir W. P. Cowley, 1931 to 1957.
Mention must be made of the enthusiasm, loyalty and service to Masonry in general. and St. Maughold Lodge in particular of the late Bro. James Christian who was initiated into the Lodge in November, 1904.
Bro. Christian served the Lodge as its Tyler for a period of 40 years, and during that time his attendance, punctuality, zeal and courtesy were bye-words in the Lodge, and he was well esteemed and loved by every member.
In 1932 a Royal Arch Chapter attached to the Lodge and bearing its name and number was consecrated.
The first principals were :
E Comp. John Corkill as Z
E.Comp. W. P. Cowley as H
E Comp. A. J. Parkes as J
In 1948 members of the Lodge were asked to sponsor a petition for the formation of a new Lodge to be called the Lezayre Lodge. No. 6980. This Lodge was consecrated in September 1949 and meets in the Masonic Hall, Ramsey. The consecrating Officers were R.W.Bro. W. P. Cowley, Prov. Grand Master, W.Bro. J. T. Christian, Dep. Prov. Grand Master, W.Bro. F. R. Grundey. and W.Bro. E. H. Stenning. Its first Master was W.Bro. F. W. Hockenhull.
St Maughold Lodge left Water Street in 1992 and moved to their current location in the Freemasons Hall, Lezayre Road, Ramsey, which they share with Lezayre Lodge, The Isle of Man Tourist Trophy Lodge, Henry Callow Lodge and St Maughold Chapter.